
最好的早餐在Longitude 餐廳,而這只是酒店早餐的一部份,我喜歡他們有無麩質麵包選擇和這裡做的椰子奶和杏仁奶,自製果醬,各式咖啡,冰沙和功能果汁等等。


馬爾地夫六善拉姆度假村 Longitude 餐廳

“The best breakfast! This is just a part of the breakfast treats here at the hotel ?
I love that they have gluten-free bread options, coconut milk and almonds made here, homemade jams, various types of coffees, smoothies and functional juices, and so on Oh, and everywhere you look, there’s the blue of the sea ?”
