馬爾地夫One & Only度假村瑞提拉島

歡迎來到一個來自島嶼自然環境的靈感避風港,為心靈、身體、靈魂創造一個寧靜、面向海洋的避難所。在我們屢獲殊榮的唯逸度假村的One & Only Spa ,採用英國高端水療品牌-ESPA,欣賞令人屏息的海洋景色時,讓你陷入完全的放鬆感。

Welcome to a haven of wellness inspired by the island’s natural surroundings, creating a tranquil, sea-facing sanctuary for the mind, body, and soul. Fall into a complete sense of relaxation as you take in the breath-taking ocean views at our award-winning One&Only Spa.

One & Only Reethi Rah , Maldives 馬爾地夫唯逸度假村瑞提拉島
